10 of the Best DIY Christmas Decorating Ideas Ever

You do not have to spend huge amount of money and can save money this Christmas with DIY Christmas Decorating Ideas. You don’t have to buy expensive Christmas decorations to make your home look beautiful. Rather you can spend that money on gifts and delicious food.

Here are 10 of the Best DIY Christmas Decorating Ideas Ever: –

Candy Cane Vase:-

You can easily make Candy Cane Vase at home and save money. You can make it by using a can on which you have to glue the candy canes. After that tie it with a red ribbon and fill the can with poinsettias.


You can make your own mistletoe very easily for Holiday Home Decorating. For it, all you need is a felt, pencil, pearls, red ribbon and hot glue. It looks very beautiful and costs very less. Cut out felt mistletoe using a template of your choice and arrange pearls on it. Tie with ribbon to finish.

Beautiful Pinecones:-

To make these beautiful pinecones all you need to do is dip them in gold paint. You can also make use of a combination of water, glue, and glitter for a sparkling effect. You can place your beautiful pinecones in baskets and bowls.

Galaxy Ornament:-

These decorations look very pretty and are one of the best Christmas Decorating Ideas. To make Galaxy Ornament, you have to take a clear ornament and add fill it with floor wax. Pour in glitter and shake it.

Santa Chairs:-

Santa chair toppers are simple and easy to make.They look very charming and give your home a Christmassy look. You can add color to your dining room with these easy to make Santa Claus Hats.

Snowman Ornament:-

They look really cute and to make them you need- Black, white and orange acrylic paint, a paintbrush, a jar and ribbon. You have to paint the jar and then decorate it with a snowman face. Use ribbon to hang Snowman Ornament.

Hot Chocolate Jar:-

If you are a chocolate lover, then go grab your favorite chocolate to make your own Hot Chocolate Jar. To make this, take a clear mug or jar and start layering it with chocolate and toppings. Your guests will surely love them especially the kids. They just have do add hot water and enjoy.


Convert your pillows into presents:-

Give your home a festive look, just by doing this small decorative trick. Tie a bow around your pillows with red or white ribbons to make them look like Christmas gifts. You can also use rhinestone pin to enhance the effect.


Mini Trees:-

You can make mini trees with plain dry branches from your yard. They make awesome decorations when you spray them with silver or gold paint. You can use them to hang or tuck in a vase. To make an instant Christmas tree, you can also add ornaments to these branches.

Make your visitors feel festive by using simple decorative tricks. Stack your white or red color bath towels and tie them with a red ribbon. This will create a “gift-wrapped” look. You can put these in guest bathroom or to decorate during a party.

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